Saturday, October 11, 2008

Another Day

I never realized just how big a leap it is for a child to understand the differences in time. I know that my child is smart and seems to have the ability to pick up concepts fairly quickly. I hope that common sense keeps growing as she get older. Please! Please!

Anyway, for a while now Amy and I have been using the timer on the Microwave as a means to initiate a change in tasking for K. What I mean is that we set the timer for 2 minutes and then when the timer goes off, is K knows that it is time for dinner, or bath, or nap. It seems to work very well for her. It has also worked in the sense that she has started to negoiate for more time on the clock. Yes, yes I know that I am real trouble.

For a while K has been saying things like, " When I am 5 Pappa, I can do..." But recently that has changed to "Pappa, I can do that Another Day?" "Another day I went to the Park and played on the Swing." "Another day, I will go to your work and ..."

It is amazing to me that she is seeing that fact that "Another day" means the present, the past and the future. The say context determines meaning, right? what do you do with a 2 year old that understands the context of the situation but is still learning the words to descirbe them. I know encourage her.

So she knows all of her letters, she knows all of her sounds. Recently she was in the car with her mama and Amy heard this from the backseat, " hhh ...oooo...ttttt" Mama that says "hot"
Is it wrong for me to dream that she will be reading by 3. Is that such a far off idea.
I do know that it will be "Another day"

1 comment:

Jason, Heather and Amelia Mayer said...

I love that you guys actually "blog". We have just gotten in the habit of posting pictures with a brief caption. You inspire me to write. Love you guys.