Thursday, April 3, 2008

Belated Easter

Hi it's me. Since my parents have been real busy lately it became apparent that if I wanted my grandparents to have any pictures of how I looked on Easter I would have to compute and do it myself. This first one is me at the local park on Saturday. As you can see my momma dressed me in the latest fashion.. circa 1994 but hey until I can pull a shirt over my own head, I have to at least try to make her happy.

Grandma came over for a visit. We are waiting very patiently for Mama to come over with our eggs so that we can decorate them. Notice that grandma has adopted my perfect waiting technique.

Yep Easter Morning and now I am in a more appropriate dress. This is of course before I get my basket.

I just had to get away from all the fuss from the adults and really check out what I got in my basket. The bunny is nice but really how muck chocolate did I really get. I will have to remember just how much if it isn't to the standard set by the Two year Olds of America bureau. I might have to get my phone out and call them.

The weather broke so I got to go outside and look for eggs. I am so adorable. The eggs were easy to find as I had lots of help. THANKS TO ALL WHO HELPED I don't know how I could have found all of the eggs. (Note: my parents say thanks to for we got all nine eggs and don't have to worry about the rotten egg smell any time soon)

Last picture. That is grandpa in the background. He loves me so.

Well I hope you enjoyed this little jot down Easter with me and my family.
Bye all. For Now.

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